Wednesday, April 2, 2008

This is my first post to the blog I made.

Dearest Fitzy "The Bear" Fitzgerald,

Holy tomatoes! By now you're probably wondering what tomatoes have to do with a blog on the internet. Well, Fitzy, I'll just start by saying they don't amount to much. I have too many things to tell you about my travels, and I've heard that "blogging" is the soapbox of the 21st century. Except for it containing no soap and you not being able to box on it. So I offer you this website as a means of keeping in touch with me as my saga begins and, hopefully, ends. Read it every day and maybe I won't forget you. Oh, what a wonderful saga!

So as you know, the beginnings of my trip to New York City were less than glorious. It was disheartening to have to say goodbye to Teddy and Bethany and the horses and Grandma Teddy in Sheffield, as well as the glorious (and vainglorious) tutor who taught me to write in Americanized English (Fitzy, I'm talking about you! That makes you famous!). But I think we can all agree that a free ticket to see the esteemed Utah Jazz was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Think of it! An entire state devoted to jazz! Playing basketball in Madison Square Garden! Against the Harlem Globetrotters! I'd rather die from ant bites than not attend.

And even if you don't understand basketball, Fitzy, you have to understand that when a radio station calls, you must answer that call. With the phrase "Oriental or I'd rather die! You're listening to KQRX, Sheffield's only Oriental radio station!" You know how much they require that, with no exceptions.

Anyway, I must be going. The game is going to begin soon, and I have an undisclosed amount of money (let's just say £100,000!) riding on my favorite team... guess who it is!?

With Love,
Philip Brightmore, Champion Dog Breeder

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